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Commands can be executed either in the in-game console, or by replacing sm_
with !
(for all players to see) or /
(hidden from public) and typing the command into chat.
Command | Description |
sm_fortressblast |
Opens the ![]() |
sm_coordsjson |
Prints the map coordinates at the crosshair to chat in a format that can easily be copied into a .json file. |
sm_respawnpowerups |
Removes all powerups from the map and respawns them at any appropriate powerup spawns. Can only be used by server administrators. |
sm_setpowerup <name> <-1 or 1-17> |
Sets a player's powerup by ID number. Can only be used by server administrators unless the ConVar sm_fortressblast_debug is set to 1. The name specified can be all or part of a player's name, or one of the following tags: @me, @aim (player at crosshair), @all, @red, @blue, @humans or @bots. The name of the client can be omitted if self-applying a powerup.
sm_spawnpowerup <-1 or 1-17> |
Places a powerup by ID number at where the player's crosshair is pointing. Can only be used by server administrators. |