MediaWiki API result
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Specify the format parameter to change the output format. To see the non-HTML representation of the JSON format, set format=json.
See the complete documentation, or the API help for more information.
{ "batchcomplete": "", "continue": { "accontinue": "Stubs", "continue": "-||" }, "query": { "allcategories": [ { "size": 5, "pages": 5, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Commands" }, { "size": 24, "pages": 24, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "ConVars" }, { "size": 3, "pages": 3, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "ConVars passed through the MOTD" }, { "size": 6, "pages": 6, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Formatting templates" }, { "size": 7, "pages": 7, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Gift Hunt" }, { "size": 1, "pages": 1, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Maintenance templates" }, { "size": 4, "pages": 4, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Pages to update with new powerups" }, { "size": 3, "pages": 2, "files": 0, "subcats": 1, "*": "Pages with broken file links" }, { "size": 18, "pages": 18, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Powerups" }, { "size": 7, "pages": 7, "files": 0, "subcats": 0, "*": "Powerups with no callback" } ] } }